Cars Simplified: Everything Automotive Explained


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Australia is a continent located between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is about 7,000 kilometers south of . The country is comprised of six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, and Tasmania.

The location of the Melbourne Grand Prix race.

Australian Grand Prix

The capital city of Victoria is Melbourne, which is home to the five kilometer long Melborne Grand Prix Circuit, the host of the Australian Grand Prix Formula 1 event since 1996. The track is converted from public roads around (as seen at the right) before race events take place.

Automotive Companies & Brands Located in Australia

Name (Official Name - Ticker Symbol)LocationLast Update
(ACE Electric Vehicle Group Pty Ltd) Maryborough, Queensland, 2025-02-24
(Amotiv Limited - ASX: AOV) 144 Moray Street, South Melbourne, Victoria, 32052024-10-23
(Australian Clutch Services) 1 Hakkinen Rd, Wingfield, South Australia, 50132024-10-23
(Parkd LTD - ASX: PKD) 337 Harborne St, Osborne Park, Western Australia, 60172024-10-11

Automotive YouTubers Located in Australia

[ ]NameLocationSite
Perth, Western Australia, AU

Automotive Museums Located in Australia

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