Why is this web site so plain-looking?
This web site is designed plain on purpose for multiple reasons. First, it helps minimize distractions from learning, the main purpose of this site. Secondly, the site is designed to have as little code as possible (with a few exceptions) to aid in load times; this may not seem like much of an important feature with modern internet connections and computing speeds, but if you are stranded somewhere and need to look up something so you can possibly fix your car, a site with minimal page size will be a great benefit when your smart phone is barely recieving a signal!
What made you start this web site?
Among friends of mine, I was the go-to guy for car advice and questions about how cars work, and sometimes I would find myself wishing I had photos to show. A web site solved that with the added perks of being able to be found by other people. I already had a basic understanding of web design, so making a web site made sense.
What automotive experience do you have?
I have over five years experience working at an auto parts store, most of that time as a manager. I have also worked on friends' cars for years, and I'm currently attending a tech school's automotive program.
Your site has a creative commons license... What does that mean?
It means you can copy and paste as much text as you want from this site as long as you have a link to the pages you got it from! The images are the same story, but there are a lot of embedded videos on the site as well, which we aren't able to alter the rights on. If we can embed the video, though, so can you, and you definitely don't have to credit this site if you use a video. If you use a Cars Simplified video, it would be awesome if you linked to our site as well, but again, not necessary!