The catalytic converter is an exhaust component which cleans the fumes before they exit the system into the air outside. There is a catalyst within the shell of this component which chemically neutralizes some harmful fumes. In many locations around the world, these have been made a legal necessity on vehicles, and some racing vehicles even have them when the series they compete in requires them. Some aftermarket companies make freer-flowing versions, but they are typically not often bought by DIY performance builders due to the high cost with relatively low power gains, which could be surpassed by simply removing the catalytic converter from the exhaust system altogether.

Catalyst Chemical Reaction
Most modern vehicles powered by gasoline are fitted with a "three way" converter. This type converts the three main pollutants in engine exhaust: an oxidizing reaction converts carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC), while a reduction reaction converts oxides of nitrogen (NOx). This produces carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2), and water (H2O) under the proper conditions.
Pictured at the right is the inner catalyst material, also known as the substrate. It is the important component within the catalytic converter which is contained within the metal casing, and it is made out of costly materials. This particular example has had some material cut away to show the material inside.
Damaging Materials
Modern automotive fuel is unleaded because lead contaminates and clogs up the catalyst material, and is bad for both emissions and power. A number of other common vehicle fluids can also damage the catalytic converter and its catalyst material.
Those knowledgeable about vehicles tend to recommend fixing problems with the engine before they become bigger and more expensive. The high cost of catalytic converters make them an example of how this method is true, since there are a number of small leak, seal, or sensor problems which could lead to catalytic converter damage later, if the problem is left to persist.
- P0420 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)
- P0421 Warm Up Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)
- P0422 Main Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)
- P0423 Heated Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)
- P0424 Heated Catalyst Temperature Below Threshold (Bank 1)
- P0430 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
- P0431 Warm Up Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
- P0432 Main Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
- P0433 Heated Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
- P0434 Heated Catalyst Temperature Below Threshold (Bank 2)
- P1090 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Lean Bank 1 (BMW)
- P1091 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Rich Bank 1 (BMW)
- P1092 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Lean Bank 2 (BMW)
- P1093 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Rich Bank 2 (BMW)
- P1190 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 1 (BMW)
- P1191 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 2 (BMW)
- P1192 Post-Catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 1 (BMW)
- P1193 Post-Catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 2 (BMW)
- P1195 1/1 O2 Sensor Slow During Catalyst Monitor (Chrysler, Jeep)
- P1196 2/1 O2 Sensor Slow During Catalyst Monitor (Chrysler, Jeep)
- P1197 1/2 O2 Sensor Slow During Catalyst Monitor (Chrysler, Jeep)
- P1400 Heated Catalyst Battery Voltage or Current too Low During Heating (Bank 1) (BMW)
- P1401 Heated Catalyst Current too High During Heating (Bank 1) (BMW)
- P1402 Heated Catalyst Power Switch Overtemperature Condition (Bank 1) (BMW)
- P1404 Heated Catalyst Current too High During Heating (Bank 2) (BMW)
- P1405 Heated Catalyst Power Switch Overtemperature Condition (Bank 2) (BMW)
- P1406 Heated Catalyst Internal Control Module Checksum/ROM Error (BMW)
- P1456 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Supply Open Circuit (Bank 1) (BMW)
- P1457 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Switch Temperature Sensor Electrical (Bank 1) (BMW)
- P1459 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Supply Open Circuit (Bank 2) (BMW)
- P1460 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Switch Temperature Sensor Electrical (Bank 2) (BMW)
- P1461 Heated Catalyst Gate Voltage Signal Low (BMW)
- P1462 Heated Catalyst Internal Control Module Checksum/ROM Error (BMW)
- P1463 Heated Catalyst Battery Temperature Sensor 1 Electrical (BMW)
- P1464 Heated Catalyst Battery Temperature Sensor 2 Electrical (BMW)
- P1465 Heated Catalyst Battery Temperature Sensor 1 or 2 Plausibility (BMW)
- P1466 Heated Catalyst Power Switch Temperature Sensor Plausibility (BMW)
- P1467 Heated Catalyst Comparison Battery Voltages of Power Switches Plausibility (BMW)
- P1468 Heated Catalyst Battery Disconnecting Switch Plausibility (BMW)
- P1482 Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Shorted Low (Chrysler, Jeep)
- P1483 Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Shorted High (Chrysler, Jeep)
- P1484 Catalytic Converter Overheat Detected (Chrysler, Jeep)
A List of Catalytic Converter OBD2 Codes
- The Exhaust System
- Oxygen Sensors
- Gasoline
- Exhaust Gasses
- ECU/Engine Control Unit
- EGR/Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve
- Exhaust Resonator